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How Newt Gingrich Is Secretly Winning The Most Important Vote Of The 2012 Primary

Gingrich now appears to have picked up the support of shadowy evangelical activist David Lane, a major kingmaker for the Christian Right. Lane, who rarely gives interviews and generally stays out the spotlight, is widely credited with reenergizing the GOP's conservative Christian base after the 2008 election.

Lane was instrumental in convincing Rick Perry get in the race earlier this year, and even helped orchestrate The Response prayer rally, the de facto launch of Perry's campaign. But sources who know Lane say he has been distancing himself from Perry as the Texas Governor slipped in the polls. Now Lane seems to be throwing his weight behind Gingrich.

Lane's support for Gingrich was made clear at a secret meeting of influential Iowa pastors last month, according to sources who attended the event. Sources told Business Insider that Lane basically anointed Gingrich, joining the candidate at the podium after his speech and calling on the pastors to put their hands on Gingrich and pray for a leader that who would be in the position of becoming the next president.

One source who witnessed the prayer described it as the most "Powerful" moment of the two-day conference.

Gingrich counters Romney with $10 bet

Newt Gingrich bets Mitt Romney $10 to give back what he has earned from "bankrupting companies."

At Republican debate, Newt Gingrich rolls on with steady performance

Politico - In a campaign that has been chiefly shaped by debates, Newt Gingrich demonstrated Saturday night why he tops the polls — and why he won’t easily be dethroned. Facing tough questions from his Republican rivals and debate moderators in Des Moines, Gingrich parried blow after blow without losing his cool or showing the much-discussed undisciplined side of his personality.

It was the former House speaker’s first debate as the undisputed frontrunner and not only did he stand up to the fresh scrutiny, he reminded Republican primary voters of his command of the issues, his intellectual dexterity and his self-assured, forceful arguments. When Mitt Romney scolded Gingrich for his provocative claim that Palestinians are an “invented” people, the former Georgia congressman concisely captured why his brand of bombast is playing so well with a roiling GOP electorate.

“I think sometimes it is helpful to have a president of the United States with the courage to tell the truth, just as was Ronald Reagan who went around his entire national security apparatus to call the Soviet Union an ‘evil empire’ and who overruled his entire State Department in order to say, ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,’’ said Gingrich, calling himself a “Reaganite” and then adding a memorable kicker: “ I will tell the truth, even if it’s at the risk of causing some confusion sometimes with the timid.”

David Cameron's stance on euro leaves Britain isolated

Daily Record - BRITAIN was left isolated and friendless in Europe last night after David Cameron refused to sign a deal to protect the single currency. His stubborn demands for something in return meant we were the only one of the 27 EU member states not to back a new treaty. There are 3.5million UK jobs that rely on European trade and £9.5billion of Scottish exports - around half - are sent to eurozone countries.

The Prime Minister refused to sign the pact after a 3am bust-up with French president Nicolas Sarkozy - and our dramatic veto of the "do or die" package has thrown our future in the EU into doubt. The Brussels summit saw the PM and Sarkozy embroiled in a heated discussion in front of other EU leaders in the early hours. Sarkozy, who at one point had to be physically restrained during the talks, said Cameron had made "unacceptable" demands. The French president later snubbed him by refusing to shake his hand.

The 17 single-currency countries will push ahead with strict spending rules to stop Greece-style debts bringing the euro crashing down. But Cameron blocked an EU-wide financial transaction tax because it would have damaged our vast banking industry, with the City of London accounting for 10 per cent of the UK's wealth.

German chancellor Angela Merkel, architect of the new treaty, said: "I didn't think David Cameron sat with us at the table. We had to get some sort of agreement and we couldn't make compromises, we had to meet tough rules."

Newt: I'd Nominate John Bolton For Secretary of State

White House silently approves bestiality in the military

The Daily Caller - Bestiality isn’t a common subject of White House press briefings. But that changed Monday, when White House Press Secretary Jay Carney granted WorldNetDaily reporter and radio host Lester Kinsolving a question during a press briefing. Kinsolving proceeded to ask about the president’s support for a recent Senate vote that would repeal bans on sodomy and bestiality in the U.S. military.

“The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, ‘includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or bestiality,’” said Kinsolving.

“Does the commander-in-chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?”

“I don’t have any comment on — I don’t have any comment on that,” Carney responded. “Let me go to another question.”

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals chided the White House press secretary for his glib dismissal of Kinsolving’s question.

“We were upset to note that you flippantly addressed the recently approved repeal of the military ban on bestiality. With respect, this is no laughing matter,” the letter said.

Mitting Image

"Mitting Image" shows Mitt Romney offering hard hitting, straightforward criticism of flip-floppers.

Newt: "America is Magic...You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

Dec 6, 2011 - At a townhall meeting at the College of Charleston, Newt talks about his optimistic vision for the future for America:

"I would say to every young person here tonight: We will be back, we will rebuild the country we love, and we will say to the planet 'you ain't seen nothing yet'".

Is The America We Love A Thing Of the Past? Newt Says No.

ABC News - Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who leads the Republican pack in the Hawkeye State, will release his first television ad Monday. Titled “Is The America We Love A Thing Of the Past? Newt Says No,” the minute-long ad will appear statewide on broadcast and cable with an ad buy of $250,000. It is unknown how long the TV spot will run. Gingrich currently sits atop the Republican field but has yet to promote himself via advertising this campaign cycle, relying instead on media coverage of his speeches and debates.

Newt fires back at Pelosi: Bring it on!

First of all I’d like to thank Speaker Pelosi for what I regard as an early Christmas gift. If she’s suggesting she’s gonna use material she developed while she was on the ethics committee, that is a fundamental violation of the rules of the House and I would hope members would immediately file charges against her the second she does it.

Newt to CatholicVote: “Human life begins at conception.”

Atlanta, GA - (12/3) – In advance of this evenings forum hosted by Mike Huckabee, Newt 2012 released the following statement today from Newt Gingrich regarding his belief in the sanctity of all human life, born and unborn.

“As I have stated many times throughout the course of my public life, I believe that human life begins at conception. I believe that every unborn life is precious, no matter how conceived. I also believe that we should work for the day when there will be no abortions for any reason, and that every unborn child will be welcomed into life and protected by law.

“That is why I have supported, and will continue to support, pro-life legislation that not only limits, but also reduces, the total number of abortions, with a view to the eventual legal protection of all unborn human life.

“As I have also stated in the past, on day one of my administration, I will sign an executive order reinstating Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City policy that prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions overseas. I will also work with Congress to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood so that no taxpayer dollars are being used to fund abortions but rather transfer the money so it is used to promote adoption and other pro-family policies, and to enact legislation that provides greater protections for the unborn.

“In terms of new pro-life legislation, I stated as recently as November 19 at a public form of candidates in Iowa that I support Congress enacting pro-life legislation under the 14th Amendment, including legislation that would define personhood as beginning at conception.

“As I have also made clear in several of my public pronouncements throughout this campaign, I oppose federal funding of any research that destroys a human embryo because we are also dealing here with human life.

“My convictions on human life are longstanding, deeply felt, and irrevocable matters of conscience. I will do all in my power – always – to foster reverence for life.”

Newt Gingrich speaks at Republican Dinner

Dec 2, 2011 - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addresses Polk County Republicans at their annual Victory Dinner.

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